

Reimagining how people meet by transforming typical screen-first encounters into memorable in-person experiences with innovative blended technology. Bring back serendipity!

Wearable prototype.



UX Research & Design, UI

project length

March 2020 - May 2020


Figma, Procreate, Adobe CC


Sara Sapienza

Shane Williams

Esther Sherry

what's the problem?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, starting new relationships became nearly impossible, and through our research, we discovered people were struggling with meeting people before it began.

what's the solution?

Ending screen-first connections and moving them to fun, organic run-ins, we sought to create an enjoyable new approach for people to meet naturally by blending wearable technology into everyday spaces.

Research Scope

Initial research was collected through tracking COVID-19 data from the CDC. This governing body issued recommended quarantine protocols and social distancing guidelines
18 participants were interviewed about their personal experience with making meaningful connections during the pandemic and beyond
5 task walkthroughs were conducted with interviewees who indicated they had problems creating meaningful connections with others pre-pandemic 
133 participants responded to surveys crafted from previous data collection and was distributed over two weeks


We received the most enthusiasm surrounding the questions of finding, creating, and cultivating friendships vs. romantic relationships. There are still product opportunities outside Tinder, OK Cupid, Bumble, and Bumble BFF, among others.

I’m not interested right now in meeting anyone and not because I don’t want to find friends or a partner, but because of the effort. I’m enjoying this current pandemic seclusion.

I just hang out with my girlfriend pretty much. Finding friends in your 30’s is impossible, we’ve all heard it. I live in Brooklyn which is full of people, but no one seems approachable.

I’m shy so this distancing is making the thought of being around people again scarier. When I’m around my friends in person I have more confidence and need that to get it back.

133 Survey Responses

Those surveyed closely resembled the feelings our interviewees had about wanting new ways to meet people. These questions were framed in platonic and romantic settings.

“I wish there were a better way to meet people with my likes and interests.”

“During the pandemic I am going out to socialize with people less often than I had in the past.”

"Currently, I am open to meeting a new romantic partner.”

Persona Development

Liz is looking for a new group of friends and open to a relationship.

Bumble BFF has not filled that friendship making gap users are looking for according to interviews and task walkthroughs.


VIBES Storyboard

Liz doesn't have many people to talk to since moving to a new city for work. She noticed people walking around her new neighborhood with solid colors occasionally lighting up on their smartwatches and finally decided to ask someone about it.

She learns about and downloads VIBES, a wearable app that will light a user's watch screen the same color as someone nearby who shares similar interests and hobbies, which helps encourage the start of a conversation.

She and Jon have a "run-in" and are given 15 minutes to have a casual, no-pressure conversation based on prompts on their wearable screens. Later they make plans to meet up through the VIBES companion mobile app.

Liz wasn't necessarily even looking for a romantic relationship, but she found herself on an unsuspected date by the end. This actually feels like the organic way she's always wanted to meet people!

Interaction Model of a "Vibe Check"

This Vibe Check model follows a logical flow from when users open the mobile app to the end of the interaction, comparing how good of a match they may be based on the "vibe."

Through wearable technology and with the users' permission, an aggregate of the biometric data, if available, is analyzed from Apple Fitness or Google Fit to create a unique match score when comparing one user to another during a 15-minute "Run-in."

The user will be informed during onboarding that this is for entertainment purposes only and that no raw biometric data will be shared or stored with VIBES or other users.

Wireframe Sketching

Using Procreate on an iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil,  wireframes were rendered based on the Vibes Check interaction model.

User Flows

The first image is an example of an onboarding flow. Next is the "Run-in" interaction with a conversation facilitator prompt appearing on the wearable screen. Lastly, a visual representation of a graph overlay animation for the Vibe Check feature on the companion mobile app.

Please interact with the VIBES Figma prototype links to see these interactions and more for yourself!

Wearable prototype.
